This page is dedicated to side hustles, or side jobs. This could include part time work, working from home, passive income, and more. As someone who works full time while driving for Door Dash, selling shirts online, blogging with Finance Throttle, mining Bitcoin, making money with surveys, and running a consulting company, I have lots of content to share.

8 ways to maximize your earning potential as a landlord

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Want to become a real estate investor? Real estate investors invest in properties to make money, however many beginner investors fail and never see their returns. Here are 8 ways to maximum your earning potential and reduce your risks as a landlord. Find upcoming markets - This is one of the most difficult tasks in becoming a real estate investor. Find an area in development with a young professional demographic. These areas typically have low cost properties that charge high…

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Yotta Savings – Save for a chance to win up to $10 million every week

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Yotta Savings is a no fee lottery inspired savings account that gives you the chance to win up to $10 million every week. Americans spend billions of dollars on the lottery each year, yet 40% of American's can't afford a $400 emergency expense. Yotta Savings was created as a solution to allow you to play in a lottery while you save. Yotta Savings gives you a lottery ticket for every $25 you save, encouraging you to save up money. In…

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I made over $21/hr with DoorDash

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At the height of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, thousands of people were laid off or furloughed. Some jobs were permanently replaced as businesses strategized ways to stay open. Fortunately for me, I was only furloughed for 2 weeks. During that time, like many Americans, I decided to fill in the income gap by joining the gig economy. I joined DoorDash, a food delivery app that is similar to other gig economy companies like Uber, Lyft, GrubHub, PostMates, and InstaCart, to…

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