This page consists of investment related blog posts. Here you will find FinTech or investment app reviews and comparisons and you will learn about different ways to invest for retirement, for fun, for real estate, for your health, and for your education. Invest at your own risk.

6 exceptions in withdrawing your Roth IRA money EARLY

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A Roth IRA is a retirement savings account. Unlike a 401k, Roth IRA contributions are not tax-deductable, however earnings can grow tax-free. To withdraw your money from a Roth IRA retirement account without paying the tax or 10% penalty, you must: Withdraw money after age 59½.Withdraw money after you have held the Roth IRA account for at least 5 years. Younger than 59½? Withdraw money for one of the following exceptions:Can withdraw up to $10,000 for a first-time home purchase. Can withdraw…

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Velocity Banking – The fastest way to pay off debt?

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Before I get into this, I should explain that I have been using the velocity banking method for 1 year now, and it has already shaved off 11 years and over $54,000 of interest from my mortgage. IT WORKS!! I plan to be done paying off my new house by 2026. To explain velocity banking, I have to explain the basics. A loan is a lump sum of money you borrow and pay back over a fixed term. It is…

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How much did I make after 5 years with a Betterment Roth IRA?

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As a 25 year who had just finished paying off their student loans, I knew nothing about investing, but suddenly had extra cashflow. There were no popular personal finance YouTuber's at the time so I had to do some of my own research on investing. I decided to enroll for a Roth IRA with Betterment. Betterment is a hands-off service that helps you manage your money through guided investing, retirement planning, and cash management. They offer Roth IRA's, 401k's, Safety…

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